
Wild Honey


Wild honey is collected from the untouched forest of India away from modern human intervention where the flora and fauna are free from the pollutants and toxins of modern civilization. The native people collect wild honey from the wild forest of the Western Ghats. The honey is dark and rich in taste and color since the bees collect from the local wildflowers because of which the texture varies.

(5 customer reviews)

What are the types of wild honey?

Wild honey is no different from others obtained from bees. The critical difference lies in the method of getting it, its distinct flavor, and the number of benefits that it brings to us. It is known by other names too, like honeydew honey or tree honey. 

Obtained by the secretion of the sugary excretion of the insects that feed on plant or tree sap. However, more focus is given to tree saps than crop saps accounting for the reason that the tree contains more snaps than plants thus attracting the bees to feed on it.

Wild Honey is among the most seductive foods available worldwide and as it’s a type of sugar delivers sustained high energy. Most individuals prefer wild honey for its high nutrient value.

Considered among the healthiest food on Earth, and with good reason. Last, but not least, it can be used to treat wounds to speed up the healing process.

The bees feed on the sap and intake the sticky substance and other vital nutrients. Afterward, they digest these tree saps and excrete a sugary substance that sticks to the tree. This sticky substance is called honeydew, hence the name honeydew honey. The honey harvesters then collect the honeydew. However, people often believe that what is obtained from the tree is not true. This ambiguity occurs because the honeydew received from the tree appears like the sap of the tree, leading people to think that Wild honey is obtained from the tree and not the bees. The syrup is dark in color, and sticky in nature.

Wild honey is famous for its delicious taste. Not only that it tastes good, but the aroma is sufficient to bring water into your mouth. It is said that the darker the color of the honeydew is, the more delicious the honey will be. Apart from this, the Wild honey is sweet. Its taste also depends on the tree sap and the bees. No matter what, it is never wrong, and the aroma always tickles your taste buds.

Benefits Of Wild Honey

There are many benefits of Wild Honey. The nutrients that the bees intake from the tree saps are also retained in the honeydew. The tree also benefits from it. Following are some of the benefits of Wild honey-

  • Rich and nutrients
  • It has antioxidants thus helping the body fight diseases
  • Since it is sugary, therefore it gives instant energy to the body
  • It is a blessing in disguise for people who suffer from throat soreness
  • Wild honey helps you in maintaining beautiful skin free of acne or pores and is recommended for good skin.

All these benefits make it a necessary honey product to be bought. However, there is one risk involved that is, if the source of the honeydew, that is the tree of which the bee contains pollen or is noxious, then inevitably this will be leading the Wild honey to be precarious. Hence, the source must be known.

The Wild honey will be sold in hexagonal containers giving it an attractive look and resembling the honey bee’s house. Also, apart from this, some different products in honey are available. You can use our Raw honey which is collected directly from beehives and bottled in jars.

Benefits of Honey:

  • Wounds and burns to heal
  • Antibiotic
  • Cough cure
  • Battery ingestion
  • Controlling side effects of radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  • Treatment for seasonal allergies due to pollen
  • And many more

Explore our other honey products in stock – click here.

Additional information

select-weight: No selection

250gm, 350gm, 500Gm

5 reviews for Wild Honey

  1. Yathish LN

    Honey is pure and of highest quality. I am very happy about the quality of the product.

  2. Siew Kuan Tung

    The Real Thing. Truly genuine taste. Thanks.

  3. velmurugan varadhan

    Best in the market! Love it.

  4. Nandhini Bhat


    Taste is good… feel like real homey without any add-one.

  5. Rupali Gupta

    Honey is really pure nd fantastic, i purchased it from amazon first time at that time i think these people are charging more due to presentation… But after using i m fan of it…in winter this honey remains in liquid form not like patanjli nd dabur nd the taste remains awesome from first day till last day from first drop till the last bottom drop… I recommend it to all in my office…even i orderd this new unit to show and taste all my calegues…. Actually we indians go with advertisements over tv nd run for cheaper (earlier me too ?) but after using it my mindset totally changed that since my childhood i was eating just sugar syrup)

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